How To Have Pretty Eyes

to be born with the prefect set of eyes because no one is. The secret to making your eyes look pretty is to know what suits you and doing just that. A big part of making your eyes look pretty is choosing the right products to apply on them. For example, if you were out shopping for eyeliners to wear on a daily basis and picked up liquid eyeliner then you made a bad choice. The problem with liquid eyeliner is that it tends to get smudged and makes your eyes look untidy and unkempt, thereby defeating the purpose of the entire exercise of applying the eyeliner. It would also be prudent of you to make sure you test what you buy, not only for it quality but also to see it suits you.
How To Have Beautiful Eyes
If you wanted your eyes to look bigger, all you need to do is to stop applying eyeliner and use only mascara and eye shadows.

Whenever you are about to apply makeup on your eyes, it would be good if you washed your eyes prior to starting. This will make sure that all remnants of dirt, grime of the last layer of makeup on your eyes is removed completely.

If you have straight eyelashes, then it would look nice if you curled them. Don't bother curling if your eyelashes are already curled.

Using mascara on your eyelashes will also help make them look pretty. The best way to apply mascara is to start at the base of your eyelashes and then work your way out and up. Make sure you do this with an absolutely steady hand. It may take some practice, but you will get it right after a few applications.

Eye shadows can help a great deal when you are looking to draw attention to your eyes.

The thing to remember with an eye shadow is that you can use bright colors, but don't clash it with your skin tone. The best thing to do is to choose a subtle shade for daily wear. Make sure that when you apply your eye shadow, you start at the base of your eyelashes and work your way upwards in even coats. If you are not sure about the shades that will suit you, then you can ask your beautician or just experiment with what looks good on you.

An important thing to remember is that even if you take care of your eyes, they will not look as pretty as they could, if you have unkempt bushman eyebrows. Make sure to shape

your eyebrows before you go about doing up your eyes.