Pakistani Lipstick is an important ingredient in woman's make-up routine. Pakistani Lipstick is just painting your lips a different color, but Pakistani lipstick is also to give a look you want whether it is sultry or sophisticated or casual. To find out that this dear friend we call lipstick might be toxic is heart breaking. But it is true. Your lipstick might contain lead. Lead is so toxic that it is not even allowed to be used in paints. Before you buy yourself a lipstick color is not that only thing you should be careful about in the lipstick. Be careful about the brand of the lipstick, and try find out what it contains. If lead is an ingredient in your favorite color lipstick stay away. When you use a lead lipstick you are not only exposing yourself to danger but the near and dear ones too. People you kiss or people who share your food or drinks are being exposed to your lipstick lead as well. The more careful you are to your health the better you will feel and the better you will look. Be careful of your lipstick and make sure it makes you look good and doesn't affect your health. Lipstick is not just a color you apply to look nice it might be causing harm to your loved ones and you. Don't let your lipstick lead you to trouble. |
Lipstick may contain toxic lead
Posted by
Zaman Asif
on Monday, July 12, 2010